25 Movie Flaws That Instantly Ruin the Experience
We all love movies for different reasons. In fact, there are so many different things to love!
Sometimes, though, it just takes on little thing to make us HATE a movie. Keep reading to discover the things that instantly turn us off!
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Bad accent imitation. New York, generic southern, Americans mauling Brit accents, Brits mauling American accents. Black Hawk Down was a good movie but Orlando Bloom, Ewen McGregor, and a couple of others were off just enough to take you out of the moment-u/ridleysfiredome -
We all love movies for different reasons. In fact, there are so many different things to love! Sometimes, though, it just takes on little thing to make us HATE a movie. Keep reading to discover the things that instantly turn us off! -
When they murder 1000 henchmen without showing a sign of remorse but then don't kill the person who caused all the problems because suddenly morals.-u/Literally_-_Hitler -
When a character jumps to conclusions after overhearing something without full context as a heavy plot device to push the story forward. It's SO lazy and uncreative.-u/Tonythunder -
Lazy exposition. Lifetime/Hallmark movies are especially guilty of this. It drives me nuts when a movie slams the entire exposition of a story into a 5-second dialogue directly after opening credits. E.g. - "Honey, I am so proud that you are the CEO of your own company. I can't wait to go back home to meet your family for Christmas. I hope they like me!"-u/ta_507john -
When action sequences have so many cuts it might as well be a slideshow.-u/MyNameIsRay -
Anything that treats the audience like morons, makes me embarrassed to watch.-u/rmzalbar -
In your face, obvious product placement-u/i-hate-all-ads -
“Wait I can explain! But I won't explain it right now because it's not convenient for the plot. So I’ll keep saying I can explain without explaining anything”-u/Expert_Overthinker -
A love story where I never see the two of them in a conversation. Longing looks and passionate scenes are great...unless I don't believe the two people even like each other, much less love.-u/Clapperoth -
Any scene where a clueless victim tells the villain that he's on to his plot and is going to the authorities only to get killed right then and thereby the bad guy because he hadn't said anything to anyone else so nobody else knows. If you have any sense, first you wait for the cops to arrive, then you confront the bad guy.-u/TonyDP2128 -
Shoehorning a love story into the plot for no discernable reason.-u/katastrophyx -
Trailers that give away the best parts.-u/sternje -
Comedy that doesn't belong where they put it.-u/Mr_Frible -
"You just don't get it, do you?"-u/Schezzi -
I'm a horror movie guy, when the main characters start making dumb decisions people would never make. Makes me start rooting for the monster, kinda kills the suspense.-u/TastyPork1 -
When a scene goes on longer than it should. Fight scenes, car chases, etc.-u/NJCAPE -
Bad sound. If a movie has bad camera work it’s either considered stylistic or it’s overlooked. If a movie has bad sounds, there’s no recovery-u/KidneyFailure99 -
Extreme predictability. Sure, not every movie is going to be super surprising, but if you’re just following the same formula I’ve seen in 100 other movies, I’m going to enjoy your movie less than one that explores some interesting ground or takes some twists and turns.-u/P0ster_Nutbag -
When it turns out, in a thriller, that the threat is coming from inside the organization! Such a hackneyed plot device.-u/CardboardSoyuz -
The ridiculously good-looking cast. Even the “ugly” girl isn’t ugly. She’s just wearing glasses.-u/j250ex -
Cheap death scares that are immediately wiped away by that deep breath gasp “oh I’m awake and alive yay!” or an implied death based on an explosion or something and then oh wait that character wasn’t actually there.-u/jpj77 -
Children just screaming all the time. War of the Worlds was almost unwatchable because of the kids’ constant ear-shattering shrieking the whole time. Like Jesus, I’m surprised the aliens didn’t find and kill them just to have some peace and quiet.-u/Osirus1156 -
Really cheesy, forced "twists" either halfway through or at the end of the movie. e.g. the good guy was the bad guy all along! and other tropes.-u/TheDefinitiveRoflmao -
People not reacting like they would in real life. Ex: the car breaks down in a dark place you have never been. In real life, you call AAA or family/friend to come jumpstart or give you fuel (whatever is needed). Heck, you would even leave the car there and come back tomorrow after being picked up by said family/friend. In the movie, everyone agrees to get out of the safety car and walk towards the dark creepy home they saw 10 miles down, even though everyone knows the area is famous for unsolved murders.-u/Kind-Replacement5788 -
When I see someone carrying coffee and you can clearly tell the cups are empty. Always takes me out of the movie.-u/HairoftheDog89
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Bad accent imitation. New York, generic southern, Americans mauling Brit accents, Brits mauling American accents. Black Hawk Down was a good movie but Orlando Bloom, Ewen McGregor, and a couple of others were off just enough to take you out of the moment-u/ridleysfiredome